Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At Least I'm Not Obsessed with American Karaoke...I Mean Idol

So I love Grey's Anatomy, but I think Meredith is a selfish, problem-ridden girl who doesn't deserve Dr. Shepherd and I'm glad they broke up. (By the way, that opinion has made me more enemies than the time I said that Aidan was too good for Carrie on Sex and the City and that Bella in the Twilight series is a co-dependent moron). I also think the over-marketing is out of control. There is a book, and official magazine. I'm not kidding. Al actually brought it over to me in WalMart not too long ago. I'm fine with just the show, thank you very much!

That being said, I have a new favorite Grey's moment. It was the episode a couple of weeks ago when Addison came back for a surgery. First of all, I love Kate Walsh, even though my first experience with her was the CSI episode called Changes in which she played a transexual named something like Destiny and he/she asked Grissom if he found him/her attractive.

But the moment I'm talking about is when Dr. Shepherd is in the elevator and eventually he has the ex-wife, the ex-girlfriend, and the current girlfriend in there with him. The doors open for Dr. Sloan, who is waiting to get on and he sees the awkwardness that is going on in that elevator. The look on his face is classic. He didn't even need to say anything!

By the way, did you know that Justin Chamberlain (Alex) has five kids?

What you're thinking now...that's what I thought!


Ashley said...

That was a great moment Ang. I think he said "not thanks, I'll wait," right? I knew Alex had five kids. It is so weird to think he is actually a devoted husband and father. Who would've thought. Grey's has an offical magazine? I have never seen it.

Jill said...

I finally watched the last 3 episodes of Grey's. I love when Bailey talked with the nurses about Sloan. Laughed so hard!!! Hey, and are you making fun of us American Idol fans? I do think you would like David Cook!!!!I think he's great!!