Monday, January 21, 2008

Adventures at Grandma's

After our shoe-shopping funtime, Al and I went to his mom and stepdad's house to spend some time and watch some football. Trillian gets to go with us. Before, she'd chosen Gary as her favorite, in spite of his indifference towards her. This made little sense, because Connie spoils her rotten. I think Connie won yesterday.

Trillian got popcorn (a favorite):

and carrots (another favorite):

Very quickly, Trillian was following Connie around everywhere...especially when she went into the kitchen!

Aside from all of the attention, Trillian also loves playing with Connie's neighbors' Jack Russell Terriers, Tucker and Jaydee. This is what they did for about an hour and a would have gone on longer if we hadn't brought her inside to get dried off.

The open gate in the fence that you see is between Connie's back yard and her neighbors' back yard. On the other side of her house that you can't see, another gate was open. We were unaware of this. Tell-tale tracks in the snow proved that the dogs had used that open gate and ran in the front yard, but they came right back into the backyard! What good little dogs!


Ashley said...

What? Jack Russels can actually like and play with other dogs? This is amazing! Like nothing I have ever seen before??!!!! Trillion is cute eating the carrots.

Anonymous said...

lol! Laughing at the carrots--one of our dogs will sit & eat carrots like that--and nuts. In the shell. Crazy!