Saturday, March 15, 2008

Silliness at IHOP

Al and I went to IHOP on Friday night after going shopping for a new bedroom set. Actually, I should say a bedroom set because we actually don't have an old bedroom set to be replacing with a new bedroom set. Unless a box spring and mattress on a frame with two folding TV trays on either side qualifies as a bedroom set...

Anyhow, it was Friday night, we were starving, and we didn't feel like cooking or waiting at a busy place, so we slummed it at IHOP. Al ordered the Mayor's Breakfast, a limited time thing in honor of Horton Hears a Who. It has green eggs (eggs florentine) and ham, and some sort of Who-ville themed pancakes. It was all actually very good, but the presentation is the best part. We got such a laugh when they came out to the table!

1 comment:

Jill said...

After seeing your post the girls were so excited to see an IHOP across from our hotel last weekend. So Easter Sunday we had to eat breakfast at IHOP before we hit the road, and they had to get the Dr. Seuss breakfast. The pancakes for the kids are so tiny, all 3 probably equal one large pancake. Can't wait to see pics of your new bedroom set!!