This morning, Al and I both had to be up at 6am. When the alarm went off, Trillian was on the foot of the bed so I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up by me. Now, Trillian has this thing about being moved ... she doesn't like it. She was trying to wiggle free and the top of her really hard head hit me in the eye. After about an hour, it was still just a slightly discolored robin's egg, so I went to my Struggling Readers class. At about 9:30. we had a break and I went into the bathroom and saw this:
When I made a joke about people thinking my husband beats me to one of my friends in the class, she said that she'd been wondering how to tell me that I'd only put makeup on one eye!
I guess it's a good thing that I have some purple eyeshadow and the bruising is nicely contoured in the crease...
Ouch, that has to hurt. Hope you're feeling OK.
Oh my goodness Ang!!! You poor thing! Mom is concerned... By the way Dave got your game today! Sorry I missed your call. Can't wait to see you! Oh, and we LOVEd all the wiifit movies. Can't wait to be there with everyone!
OW!! Woah. At least you can play it off w/some purple eye shadow on the other, like you mentioned. :P Oh--so we ordered the Furminator--has it been worth it? :)
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